One of the directions of sites - Catalogs and storefronts, which should be convenient and flexible in administration. Every day, a part of the demand mobilized on the Internet and users who prefer to order goods via the Internet increases, for a number of reasons, namely:
Lower price;
Variety of assortment;
Fast and convenient delivery
Showcase sites satisfy these consumer needs, but are more complex in terms of the technical implementation of the site's functionality. When creating a Showcase Site, you have to take into account quite a few nuances in the site's functions.
Convenient placement of content on pages;
Easy perception of information;
Convenient management, both by the company personnel and by a potential client;
Maintaining the Database of such a site is always up to date.
It is better to make such a site adaptive, which will increase its indexing by search engines, accordingly increase the results for search queries, and increase the number of orders.
The advantages of ordering a showcase site from us.
We develop showcase sites that are not template, the uniqueness of the site you ordered is guaranteed, the site is made up according to your sketches. A convenient Control Panel will be offered especially for your site, we will train your company's staff to work with our control panel.