Logos and firm style | KOSHcomp`s Agency

Logos and firm style | KOSHcomp`s Agency

Form style

Corporate identity development allows you to create a single visual concept for the company and advertising tools, no matter what it is. A business card, a pen, a website, an advertising banner for websites, everything must be done in the same style, then your company will find its own identity. An easily recognizable logo, a memorable slogan, all this will make your company remember.


Colors also play an important role in creating style. Correctly chosen colors create associations with your company on a subconscious level. Let's take the colors as an example: White, green and orange. What associations does their combination evoke in you? (See the answer at the bottom of the page). So the combination of colors, the color scheme also affects the memorization of your company. But the color must also be chosen correctly. Agree, if a salt industry company chooses its main color, for example, Pink, and an air transportation company chooses Black, this will cause, at least, misunderstanding. Therefore, there is a rule for selecting colors for various industries. Blue, cyan, green, gray are the main colors of air companies, cargo transportation companies, transport companies, etc.
Brown, steel grey, black, blue - Metallurgy, metalworking, etc.
Lilac, red, pink - Cosmetics, perfumes, children's and women's clothing.
Light green, blue, yellow - household chemicals. In general, the combination of colors play an important role in creating the image of the company.

What should be the logo?

The logo should send information directly to the brain. An example would be examples such as Apple. Agree the name itself speaks for itself, and the logo "Apple" also speaks for itself. Or take the well-known FireFox browser (translated as a fiery fox) - the Fox logo curled up into a ball around the globe. Most auto companies use car silhouettes in their logos. Trite? But it works!


Another point that should not be forgotten. The logo must Using colors such as chocolate, gold, greasy, confident fonts for logos will make your logo "SHOUT" about solidity, your company's belonging to the elite, with the prefix VIP.


The logo should be simple. Most people think that the more complex the better. Not this way. For example, take the "Nike" logo - the name of the company with an underline arc resembling a stadium track and going up, to the right with a pointed end, as if talking about speed, striving for victory. Simple, concise, nothing more.
